Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Inclusive classrooms

Inclusive education has many benefits for students with special needs, students in regular education, teachers and support staff, and society. Children with special needs benefit because
affords a sense of belonging to the diverse human family
provides a diverse stimulating environment in which to grow and learn
evolves in feelings of being a member of a diverse community
enables development of friendships
provides opportunities to develop neighborhood friends
enhances self-respect
provides affirmations of individuality
provides peer models
provides opportunities to be educated with same-age peers
Students in general education benefit by provides opportunities to experience diversity of society on a small scale in a classroom
develops an appreciation that everyone has unique and beautiful characteristics and abilities
develops respect for others with diverse characteristics
develops sensitivity toward others' limitations
develops feelings of empowerment and the ability to make a difference
increases abilities to help and teach all classmates
develops empathetic skills
provides opportunities to vicariously put their feet in another child's shoes
enhances appreciation for the diversity of the human family
Teachers and support staff benefit because it helps teachers appreciate the diversity of the human family
helps teachers recognize that all students have strengths
creates an awareness of the importance of direct individualized instruction
increases ways of creatively addressing challenges
teaches collaborative problem solving skills
develops teamwork skills
acquires different ways of perceiving challenges as a result of being on a multi-disciplinary team
enhances accountability skills
combats monotony. Society benefits because promotes the civil rights of all individuals
supports the social value of equality
teaches socialization and collaborative skills
builds supportiveness and interdependence
maximizes social peace
provides children a miniature model of the democratic process

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